More info about Qwakly
Qwakly is a web page that can be created in seconds
This is indeed the case. Our record is 4 seconds (including the publication of a link to the page in the messenger).
Qwakly is completely free
Create any number of your own qwakly pages
Qwakly is confidential
Registration is not required to use it
Qwakly is uncensored
Qwakly, by its very nature, cannot delete quack pages or otherwise restrict freedom of speech
Qwakly is safe
It does not store your information. It doesn't even have database.
Easy to share Qwakly page
Any social network or messenger forwards and shows Qwakly. You simply copy the address of the page or in the address bar of the browser, or simply by clicking the "copy" button and paste it into the messages of the messenger or into the post of a social network